Campus Policy on Gifts/Grants Distinction

UC Berkeley CALmessages Notice

Date: May 9, 2006
Sender: Beth Burnside, Vice Chancellor for Research
To: Deans, Directors, Department Chairs, Senior Administrative Officers
Subject: Campus Policy on Gifts/Grants Distinction

Dear Colleagues,

On January 13th of this year, on behalf of the Research Support Advisory Committee, I asked you to review a suite of draft policy documents on the subject of defining and distinguishing between research gifts and sponsored projects. In the intervening time, we have received many useful comments from individual faculty members and from the Academic Senate.

While all of us are aware that gifts and sponsored projects are distinct in purpose and governed by distinct regulations, it has been a perennial challenge to arrive at a clear, campuswide understanding of exactly what these distinctions are. I am particularly pleased, therefore, to announce that our campus policy on the Gifts/Grants distinction is now available and will provide clear guidelines both for making these distinctions, and for handling the “gray” areas that arise.

You may access these documents on the research website as follows.

UC Berkeley Guidance on Defining and Distinguishing Between Research Gifts and Sponsored Projects
[current URL:]

Gift, Research Gift, or Sponsored Project Indicators
[current URL:]

Gift/Sponsored Project Decision Making Flow Chart
[current URL:]

Berkeley Guidance for Companies on Gift/Sponsored Project Distinction
[current URL:]

Conditions of Gift Award - Sample Letter
[current URL:]


Beth Burnside
Vice Chancellor for Research

source: UC Berkeley CALmessages: